

Monday, November 14, 2011



Figure 11 : The earth matter is in concentric layers
Figure 12 : Atmospheric layers of earth
The distribution of matter from inside to extreme outside of all celestial objects is not in zigzag manner. From the center of a celestial object this distribution is always in concentric layers. In the earth atomic matter is in concentric layers. As shown in figure 11 from inner core to outer crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere and transition zone the complete this solid earth is distributed in different layers. So the earth's atomic matter is not in zigzag manner but in special layers structure. Now we also note that its atmospheric layers are also not in zigzag manner and are distributed in different layers and these layers name troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere.....etc.  are also in concentric in nature. In our solar system all gas giants, planets and some moons also have similar pattern and some have much similar to earth. Now in the sun the whole complete matter is also in such special concentric layers pattern. 
Figure 13 : Interior matter of sun and also stars
The interior matter of our sun is distributed as core, radiative zone, conductive zone, photosphere, chromosphere and then corona so the whole sun's matter is in special concentric layers. This is not only with our sun but also observed with all stars. We can think that this nature of distribution of matter is very common in all celestial objects. And atomic-nonatomic the whole matter is distributed in such layered structure. But scientists are also observing from a long time that beside this nature of all celestial object's concentric layered structure the geometrical shape of all celestial objects is like a oblate spheroid and this oblate spheroid shape of all celestial objects is observed from our earth, planets and moons then in sun then in stars. But we have also note that matter is distributed in layered structure. Then what about this oblate shape geometry? We can ask question then about the concentric spherical shape which are in layered structure that this is for all celestial objects. All celestial objects matter is also then in special layered oblate spheroid shape and therefor matter is not distributed in these as concentric nature but according to oblate geometry this distribution should be in confocal layers and such geometry of celestial objects then should be confocal oblate spheroids as shown in figure 14. 
Figure 14 : This is confocal oblate spheroids distribution of matter in all celestial objects
So the actual geometrical distribution of matter in all celestial objects is in confocal oblate spheroids and not in concentric spherical geometry.
In late eighteenth century the stability in shape of earth and sun and also some planets was asked by scientists and from this question of variation in shape of some celestial objects there start observations for such shape change. 

Figure 15 : Earth's oblateness variation
Figure 16 : Sun's oblateness variation
Figure 17 : Data of variation in oblateness of earth
Figure 18 : Causes that affect earth shape of earth

Minkang Chang and Byron D Tapeley after collecting 28 year data note those reason due to which earth oblateness vary and figure 17 is graph. They give the reason by figure 18 which affect earth shape. In the same manner from 1966 Dicke and some of other observe with him the variation in sun's oblateness. So in these the equatorial and polar radius are continuous changing with time and they oscillate which is said as variable oblateness. After this many solar physicists and planetary scientists are continuously collecting data about variation in oblateness of some solar system planets and moons and also the sun and some stars. We here only want to say that all celestial objects have confocal oblate spheroids geometry and scientists have prove that oblateness is not constant. But actually what is the internal geometrical changing of a confocal oblate spheroids when oblateness is variable. Then in general form we should say that actually confocal oblate spheroids geometry is not constant and the shape of every celestial object oscillate between two different confocal oblate spheroids. This is the real explanation of change in shape of celestial objects. Therefor matter which is distributed in confocal oblate spheroids now this whole matter in all celestial objects oscillate between two different confocal oblate spheroids. 
Figure 19 : Dark matter and dark energy in the universe
Now in the universe the dark matter and dark energy is also not distributed in concentric layers as shown in figure 19. The shape of universe change with time and the dark matter and dark energy just like all celestial objects is not distributed in zigzag manner in universe. So the geometry of universe is in concentric spherical layers in primary model. But the variable oblateness i.e. actually variation in equatorial and polar radius of universe change with time and the shape of universe fluctuate. So as a final model of universe, the universe is oscillating between confocal oblate spheroids(E) and concentric spheres(S) which we have already saying as ESE oscillation. Just like in very primary stage the atomic matter in celestial objects is in concentric layers the same is for dark matter and dark energy relation with these celestial objects and this is shown in figure 20.
Figure 20 : The primary model dark matter and dark energy in celestial objects
So actually due to changing shape as between two confocal oblate spheroids of all celestial objects now not only the atomic matter but also the dark matter and dark energy which is related by figure 20 whole complete celestial object oscillate between two confocal oblate spheroids. Therefor in all celestial objects and universe matter (atomic, non-atomic, dark matter and dark energy) is twisting-squeezing in ESE oscillation geometry in ideal definition. But this ideal variation as ESE is not similar with creation of all celestial objects and now it vary from a black hole. The variation in geometry in next stage in celestial objects now is between two confocal oblate spheroids and now they do not oscillate as ESE oscillation but they all oscillate between two different confocal oblate spheroids. This is the general theory of variable oblateness in all celestial objects and universe. 

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