

Saturday, November 12, 2011



Figure 11 : Plate tectonic can't explain the main source of earthquake and volcano eruption
Why earthquake come? Why volcano eruption is possible? What is the source of energy of earthquake and volcano eruption? From what time earth is erupting volcano and from what time there is coming earthquake? There are lots of questions about earthquake and volcano eruption not only on earth but also for many planets and moons. Scientists want to know the main cause behind these. Volcanoes and earthquakes only come on such planets and moons whose geology is very similar to earth. But we can't say that volcanoes and earthquakes also come on the surface of gas giants. Why we will explain? This is a big question to put among all on large scale that are continent drift and plate tectonic good for explaining these and are they sufficient to explain? The clear answer is that plate tectonic is not a sufficient theory on large universal scale because we need a very general theory. The main source of energy for earthquake and volcano eruption is dark matter and dark energy which is in the structure of confocal oblate spheroids(E) and concentric spheres(S) i.e. ESE oscillation geometry. How a celestial object can eject matter? How a celestial object can eject radiation? How a celestial object eject light? And finally what is the main cause of ejection lights, radiations, sounds and finally matter. We start with a very general question for earth(and also for planets and moons) that what is that primordial state of ejection of a volcano? Why earth eject a large amount of matter by volcano eruption? For such a question we have no ultimate explanation and we have to start from those conditions of primordial which are not much clear in very sequence in this time. So if we want to explain the main cause of earthquake and volcano eruption we have to think all these in very general form and have to start on large scale. The main question before us is what is that method by which ejection come in existence. So first of all we should ask why ejection is possible from a spheroid? We have discovered a long chain of reaction starting creation of a celestial object and then destruction by downfall of gravity. But here we have to give answer why earthquake and volcano eruption are possible? From a long churning the internal matter in center part of celestial objects is interlaced in such a way that due to twisting in northern and southern hemispheres clockwise and anticlockwise in opposite directions and at the same time pressing or squeezing on poles in oscillatory manner this make possible the ejection of lights, matter, radiations and sounds. This is only and only cause of ejection. But in such process the variation in geometry of a celestial objects is according to ESE oscillation geometry. What is ESE oscillation geometry? We have been explaining it from very beginning that all celestial objects and universe oscillate from confocal oblate spheroids(E) to concentric spheres(S) and from concentric spheres(S) to confocal oblate spheroids(E) this is ESE oscillation geometry. And the meaning of ESE oscillation geometry is not only oscillation of central part but from center to outer part that is the whole system in which main controller is dark matter and dark energy. So when our home planet the earth continuously oscillating by dark matter and dark energy as ESE geometry then due to twisting-squeezing churning in center part matter is ejected as a volcano eruption. This process go on long time and ejection as a sprinkler of matter make it like a volcano eruption. After a long time in center part of a celestial object this type of ejection due to ESE oscillation matter dry as different plates but we should remember that the twisting-squeezing in ESE continuously go on. When at a time this celestial object take a very new celestial position just like the earth as in third orbit around a sun then this ejected matter which dry in plates now completely ready for a beautiful blue planet like the earth. Now that ejection of matter as volcano eruption turn in continental plates and some dry places take the form of plates which we say as continents. But again the churning process by dark matter and dark energy as ESE oscillation geometry continuously go on so the continents plates move forward and backward between east and west. This is the main state of the earth when due to dry matter which is ejected by volcano eruption now turned as earthquake in continents plates and now the earth has turned in a different look. This is that long churning ESE oscillation geometrical process which make possible coming of volcano eruption and after elapsing of time when these volcano end and matter dry then these convert now in earthquake due to the same force of ESE oscillation. So we also see the geometry of continents like such manner. Because continents were not in joint state like PANGAEA or Rodinia or Columbia or any super continent as jigsaw puzzle. The main reason of such shape of continents is this ejection of matter by ESE oscillation and after dry it feel force between east and west a twisting-squeezing force by ESE oscillation of dark matter and dark energy. So this ESE oscillation geometry by dark matter and dark energy is the actual cause of source of energy of volcano eruption and earthquake.      

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