

Wednesday, November 23, 2011



The differential rotation is seen when different parts of a rotating object move with different angular velocities (rates of rotation) at different latitudes and/or depths of the body and/or in time. We here explaining how In fluid and solid celestial objects this leads to shearing. Why different part of a celestial objects with latitude move with different angular velocities and what is source of this movement that is our aim to explain. We have been continuously explaining this type of shearing and distortion in all celestial objects by a very general idea of twisting-squeezing as ESE oscillation geometry. Many galaxies and protostars usually show differential rotation; and examples in our solar system include the Sun, Jupiter and SaturnImages of Jupiter and Saturn very clearly show their motion of surface matter in opposite directions which is known as differential rotation. The differential rotation of gases in air zone with latitude of Jupiter are very very much clearly visible relative to any other planet in or out of our solar system and always forced to think astronomer why they are moving in such relative directions to each other.
Figure 21 : opposite motion of surface gases in Jupiter air zone
Figure 22 : Opposite motion of gases in Saturn
From Casini spacecraft capture images it was seen that saturn has a very elusive rotation and on poles its gases move in a very powerful opposite cyclones which is actually due to differential rotation. Between poles with latitude of planets the motion of gases and liquid (also solid) there are very much similarity and Jupiter has very ideal planet to show clearly movement of air zone but some planets have not so much good visible air zone movement. Note the figure 23 of sun.
Figure 23 : The sun also have opposite motion which is differential rotation of gases like Jupiter and Saturn
This is a very general question before us that what is explanation of such a differential rotation nature of planets, stars and galaxies in a very general form. This differential rotation clearly indicate a special type of shearing movement. We here want to put this process on very large scale in universe and want to explain by a general theory of differential rotation for all celestial objects and also for universe. In some celestial objects where the matter is visible this differential rotation show good shearing, distortion, twisting-squeezing as ESE oscillation geometry and where matter is invisible this type of differential rotation felt by invisible hidden force. We can explain this differential rotation in solid objects like the earth, Mars, in some other planets and moons by figure 3 which is a sequence of history and future of celestial objects. We have presented this differential rotation as a special type of shearing, distorting, churning and ESE oscillation geometry by dark matter and dark energy. This is a very long journey of such type differential rotation motion of universe and from primordial state this is result of the universal ESE oscillation geometry. The differential rotation start from such a state of oscillatory universe and universe oscillate between confocal oblate spheroids(E) and concentric spheres(S) the ESE oscillation geometry. We should think differential rotation starting from the very general ESE oscillation geometry state of universe and how galaxies, stars, gas giants, some planets and moons show after a long journey of this ESE oscillation churning (which we are continuously explaining by a process of twisting-squeezing of matter) as differential rotation. So what we see today as differential rotation in some galaxies, stars, the sun (figure 23), Jupiter (figure 21) and then Saturn( figure 22) behind this or in the background of this actually there is running a very large process of twisting-squeezing churning as ESE oscillation geometry by dark matter and dark energy. Our earth (also all planets and moons) also show such a differential rotation by its air and ocean currents and not only this the real cause of continental plate motion and real patter of continents drifts is result of such a differential rotation from very early or beginning stage of ESE oscillation geometry of celestial history that we see now in the earth stage (also in similar planets and moons like earth) as  plate tectonic. We want to say that differential rotation is a result of very general ESE oscillation geometry of all celestial objects and it continuously slow down from a black hole till the end stage of a celestial objects. It in state of earth convert as continental plate movement and also the result of this seen as Coriolis effect earthquake, volcano eruption and many other events. In some galaxies, stars and gas giants this could be seen very clearly but in some this is felt by hidden (or back ground) force of ESE oscillation geometry of dark matter and dark energy. In solid part of earth (or in same way in other planets) movement of continent's plates in northern and southern part really the of such a differential rotation that is continuously going on from earth's gas giant state. It then affects on length of day and all of geological factors.

Figure 24 : Again by this we want to say that it is a long sequence of gas giant state result of differential rotation under ESE oscillation geometry which exert clockwise and anti-clockwise force between east and west
Figure 25 : The actual cause of this motion of  continents plates is differential rotation because it is a form of such this rotation which is going on when at a time earth was in gas giants state. So what we see in Sun, Jupiter and Saturn as differential rotation that convert in earth state in air opposite cyclones, in oceans currents and in solid part as Plate Tectonic
Therefor differential rotation convert in continental drift and plate tectonic in earth state and similar to earth like planets and moons. Then actually after giant gas planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune state in earth and similar planets and moons the plate tectonic and continent drift  is remnant of differential rotation. This indicate that differential rotation not only possible in gas and liquid in galaxies, stars and gas giants but also possible in solid planets and moons.

Figure 25 : This is long chain or sequence of differential rotation caused by ESE oscillation geometry in all celestial objects which continuously go on slow down up to last stage.   
So differential rotation start from the very general form of ESE oscillation geometry and after going on long churning it appear visibly in some galaxies, stars, gas giants. But it is such a general form of ESE oscillation which go on last stage of a celestial object as ESE oscillation geometry.

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