

Saturday, November 5, 2011



Figure 5 : The ESE oscillatory model of all celestial objects and universe
No celestial objects and universe rotate on its axis. All celestial objects and universe have oscillatory nature. The earth is not rotating on its axis. The Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are not rotating on its axis. All planets in universe do not rotate on its axis. The sun is not rotating on its axis. Then what planets, stars, galaxies, black holes and finally the universe is doing? All planets, stars, black holes, galaxies i.e. all celestial objects and universe are oscillating on their axis. What is the nature of this oscillation? All celestial objects and universe oscillate between confocal oblate spheroids and concentric spheres. All celestial objects and universe oscillate from confocal oblate spheroids(E) to concentric spheres(S) and from concentric spheres(S) to confocal oblate spheroids(E). This is ESE oscillatory model of all celestial objects and universe.

Figure 6 : This is a churning and squeezing-twisting of a celestial object

Figure 7 : Continents feel forces and move like these forces between east and west
Now we will here prove this oscillatory nature of celestial objects. We start from our home planet the earth. There was never a state of super continent on earth like PANGAEA or RODINIA or COLUMBIA. The actual story of formation of super continents is different. We have described a large chain conversion of history of celestial objects by figure 3 and 4. So the earth matter is churning from a long time when at a time it was a black hole according to ESE oscillatory geometry and the churner of this earth is dark matter and dark energy whose structure is ESE oscillatory geometry. The earth is twisting in northern and southern hemispheres clockwise and anticlockwise in opposite directions between east and west and pressing or squeezing on poles as shown in figure 6 but this nature of earth run according to oscillating method of ESE geometry. So actually in very high ideal way the earth is oscillating between confocal oblate spheroids(E) and concentric spheres(S) i.e. ESE oscillation. But from due to long churning journey of matter by ESE oscillation process now slowly the matter in center part dry after it come on surface in each oscillation. In early state of earth the twisting-squeezing as oscillatory nature process was very much excited and was very systematic. The matter in center part due to churning by dark matter and dark energy in ESE geometry come to surface again and again in each oscillation and dry as plates. These dry matter plates take the form of continents and where the land get stuck into or sink there oceans were created. This is the main idea and also reality of making continents & oceans proving that there was no PANGAEA. The continuous ejection of matter starting from black hole and continuous conversion of celestial objects in sequence by figure 3 at last in the state of earth this ejection now appear as volcano eruption. After a long time eruption of matter by ESE oscillation geometry matter continuously dry when it come to surface and dry slowly as plates. This is the actual formation of lithosphere and asthenosphere. But we can see this whole journey of churning of matter in very good sequence by figure 3 and it is visually very clear in nearly celestial objects like in the state of gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In state of a black hole with giant galaxy the structure appear as a spiral and elliptical galaxy. But in a state of star and sun we can see this as coronal mass ejection and ejection of radiations, light and sound. So after a long journey when there come state of earth after these state of gas giant according to figure 3 now here is a new explanation of creation of continents and oceans and it clearly show that the reality of continents jigsaw puzzle shape is different. Actually the formation of continents and oceans is a very large process of churning of matter in ESE geometry which we have shown it by figure 3 with a good sequence. There was no super continent and churning of matter which was continuously ejected according to ESE oscillation finally make this possible such shape of continents. So by ESE oscillation geometry now continental drift and plate tectonic appear in very different form and there was never such type of drift among continents and the reality of motion of plates is shown by figure 6 and 7. 
Figure 8 : There was no such super continents
Figure 9 : This is a figure by NASA of plate motion in continents
If we start from gas giant the formation of continents plates start from Jupiter then in Saturn much more then in Uranus much much more and in Neptune to earth this formation have completed. So we should note carefully that formation of continents plates in earth have long celestial history and churning of matter by ESE oscillation geometry make it possible. The continuous ejection of matter as a type of volcano eruption and churning of matter have started when the earth was gas giant at a time and after a long journey of earth it take the third orbit place round the sun. We will also explain the long time changing of orbit and history and future by a celestial object in next parts of this series. So this type of formation of continents and oceans from PANGAEA(also other names), continent drift and plate tectonic thinking is not a large scale thinking and this clearly indicate that the geologists, geophysicists and also planetary scientists should take a universal decision. Because continent drift and plate tectonic is not a general idea it is only applicable to such planets and moons whose geography is some similar to earth and in case of gas giants, stars, black holes and galaxies and finally in universe the concept of continent drift and plate tectonic totally fail. So we need here a new thinking.

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