

Saturday, October 29, 2011



By contraction and exapansion of matter(the dark matter and dark energy) of universe according to ESE oscillation geometry now we explain by a spring. When we tight a spring in opposite directions on both end the energy is concentrated in middle of this spring. The dark matter and dark energy is tighten and loosen in ESE geometrical structure oscillations and like a helix which is tighten and loosen by a oscillating force of ESE geometry. Then in time of contraction of universe the ESE structure (the oscillation) drag dark matter and dark energy toward the center and collected as a very huge cloud of nuclear-nonnuclear particles with great pressure at the center as ESE geometry. This huge cloud in ESE geometry is a giant massive black hole with a giant galaxy in very compressed form of matter. The dark matter and dark energy now with this new black hole in much density relative to that dark matter and dark energy of universe and also it has a different state of matter. This tightening and loosing or contraction and expansion of dark matter and dark energy run according to ESE geometrical structure. So the matter in such pressure just like a tightening-loosing spring and forces of ESE geometry control the creation process which make future of universe. This process of oscillation of ESE geometrical structure is very general form and all pervasive. So the universe is twisting in northern and southern hemispheres clockwise and anticlockwise in opposite directions and pressing or squeezing on poles as oscillatory manner of ESE geometrical structure. The result of such tightening-loosing, contraction-expansion, twisting-squeezing in the direction of ESE geometrical oscillation is the development of universe and creation of a very large number of giant massive black holes with giant galaxy continously. All these black holes with galaxy are dragged toward and outward the center of universe according to ESE oscillation and prove the existence of red and blue shifts which now make a new definition of BIG BANG and BIG CRUNCH of universe. But this creation process has not only aim of creating black holes and the process of ESE oscillation in the time of creation run as accelerating manner. Then it slow down and now after a long time of acceleration of universe there again a new process of creating a new black holes. Such black holes become old with time according their sequence of creation and what happen with them it is a good question. The tightening-loosing, twisting-squeezing, contraction-expansion process according to ESE geometrical oscillation develope the universe and then all type of celestial objects like planets, moon's, stars and black holes take a good existence as the universe olden.  

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