

Saturday, October 29, 2011



The universe do not expand to infinite and do not contract to point mass. It's expand to a limit and also contract to a limit. When it expand and contract then variation in geometry of universe is not simple sphere to sphere but it's geometry vary to make a creation of a giant galaxy with giant black hole in center. There is red shift and blue shift both according to that expansion and contraction. So when the universe expand then the dark matter and dark energy also expand outward and when it contract dark matter and dark energy also contract according to oscillation of space-time-matter between confocal oblate spheroids and concentric spheres. The expansion and contraction of dark matter and dark energy in universe is like a oscillation from confocal oblate spheroids(E) to concentric spheres(S) and then from concentric spheres(S) to confocal oblate spheroids(E) which we will now say ESE oscillation. When it contract the dark matter and dark energy is tighten from concentric spheres(S) to confocal oblate spheroids(E) and dragged toward the center to create a massive giant black hole with a giant galaxy. And when it expand the dark matter and dark energy is loosen from confocal oblate spheroids(E) to concentric spheres(S) and again draged outward the center to remove such created black hole from center in spiral path. This type of expansion and contraction of dark matter and dark energy as ESE oscillation in universe make possible many many giant black holes with giant galaxy long time (but not infinite). So the first expansion and contraction according to ESE oscillation geometry make first giant massive black hole and then in next ESE oscillations there are again and again creation of massive black holes with giant galaxy. All these remove from center in spiral path as universe contract and expand by ESE oscillatory process. So when in each creation of black hole they move toward center and outward center or contraction and expansion accordingly ESE oscillations all move in spiral path toward center and outward center. This make possible galaxies going toward and outward the center of universe which we observe as red and blue shift and this is the real process of expansion and contraction as ESE oscillations. We can say this whole process of ESE oscillation as a restriction (or a limited) of BIG BANG and BIG CRUNCH. Then we have to say that ESE oscillation geometry of universe is a good type of expansion and contraction in dark matter and dark energy which have a good creation in each oscillation and this is the real process by which we can understand the system of universe in very clear form. 

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