

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The sun's rotation, like the earth's rotation is from west to east. Unlike the earth, where the surface is constrained to rotate all in the same period, the period of the sun's rotation is longer as the distance from its equator is greater. The speed of orbital velocity of all planets is not same in their orbit and this vary according to variation in sun's rotation. The sun activity slowly increase and on highest peak in 11.1 years and after peak it slow down. The sun's sun spots are maximum in 11.1 years and its magnetic field reverse in a cycle of 22.2 years. The sun rotation period is not constant it vary with this 22.2 years cycle. The sun images from STEREO, SOHO and SDO clearly indicate that it is twisting in clockwise and anticlockwise in opposite directions in both hemispheres and pressing or squeezing on poles in oscillating manner. The sun has a changing shape and has variable oblateness and due to variation in rotation with latitude it has differential rotation. There is no answer of this question that how sun is lossing its mass and what is cause of this? What is the source of coronal mass ejection and why it eject light, radiations and also sounds? Some of solar physicists are working on variable oblateness of the sun and some stars and they are Kuhn, Dicke, Hill, Saldana, Liberetch etc. Actually the meaning of variable oblateness according to my oscillatory idea is much different. The meaning of variable oblateness according to these astrophysicists is only and only variation in polar and equatorial radius. I have a new method of variation in oblateness that is different. I also say about variation in oblateness and variation in polar and equatorial radius but I am adding or including two new and different conditions with this variation. What I am including is to first include confocal property of an oblate spheroid and second twisting and squeezing a confocal oblate spheroid. Twisting in reverse or opposite directions in both hemispheres and squeezing on poles. So there will be variation in polar & equatorial radius already but now I have added or included two new conditions. First : variable oblateness according to oscillation between two different confocal oblate spheroids shapes and Second : twisting in reverse or opposite directions in both hemispheres and squeezing on poles between two different confocal oblate spheroids. Therefore it indicate that our sun and stars are not rotating on its axis. 

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