

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


This video of Jupiter is very important for understanding early dynamical state of Earth when Earth was in the state of a gas giant. The Earth at a time was just similar to such gas giant state of Jupiter. In this video that taken by Voyager not only outer atmosphere gases is moving with different angular velocity on different latitude but in inner part entire matter of Jupiter moving with different angular velocity on different latitude. Our blue planet the Earth has passed through this state and definitely entire matter also moving in this same pattern when it was in a gas giant state. After this state of Earth's Jupiter state it convert in Saturn and from Saturn it convert in Uranus and Neptune. From Neptune it slowly convert in Super Earth first state of blue rocky planet. In between this sequence conversion from gas giants state Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune to Super Earth and then Earth this dynamical process or motion of different angular velocity on different latitude in matter that we can see in their entire system continuously slow down or damping nature. This differential rotation damp slowly continuously from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and from Neptune to Super Earth then Earth. But from this sequence dynamical motion of entire matter of early state of Earth it is very easy to understand that this is the main cause of origin or birth of Earth, solidification of outer matter, origin of continents and oceans, shaping of continents, tectonics evolution or origin of plate tectonics, mineralisation, rocks formation. Astronomer have discovered by NASA Kepler mission, by Spitzer and by Hubble space telescope many exoplanets and many Earth like planet and after studying we can put all of them in a sequence those all discovered planets indicate when we compare their mass, size, rotation, gravity and others that this sequence damping dynamical process of differential rotation of entire matter play a very important role in understanding Earth geological and geophysical process. Therefore Why continents come in such a special shape that is not because of breaking of a super continent. Origin of continents and oceans, their shaping in this special pattern, tectonic evolution, entire geological and geophysical process are mainly because of this great churning of matter by differential rotation in gas giants where matter is moving backward and forward and slowly going dense to more dense after solidification in Earth continents and oceans appear. THIS IS THE CORRECT PROCESS OF EVOLUTION OF OR ORIGIN OF CONTINENTS AND OCEANS AND ALSO SHAPING OF CONTINENTS ON EARTH. THIS INDICATE HOW FRANCIS BACON AND ALFRED WEGENER WAS WRONG. THERE WAS NO SUPER CONTINENT IN EARTH GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. MY MISSION : THERE WAS NO SUPER CONTINENT.

This video of swirling Neptune is very helpful for understanding early nature of geophysical process in the Earth. How continents and oceans come in existence and how continents take such a special geometrical shape this is result of a long geophysical process that is similar to this Neptune video. Continuous motion of entire matter with different angular velocity that is differential rotation between north and south poles is main cause or this type of differential motion of matter is responsible for giving such a special shape to continents. After solidification of surface matter in Neptune slowly continent appear when Neptune convert in Earth previous state The super Earth. So Birth of Earth also possible when after long geophysical churning process go on in Neptune that convert in super Earth and origin of continents and oceans possible by this process. This video of swirling Neptune in this early nature of geophysical process reference is much important to know origin of continents and oceans, shaping of continents, evolution of plate tectonics or tectonics evolution and crossing of fossils different continents by such a differential rotation motion. How Alfred Wegener was wrong and How Francis Bacon thinking was wrong here we have clarify this. MY MISSION : THERE WAS NO SUPER CONTINENT

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